Il carrello lo avevo preso in un mercatino delle pulci pensando di utilizzarlo durante i mercatini per trasportare le scatole e le valigie. Il cesto l'ho trovato vicino ad un cassonetto... non ho resistito... dopo esserci passata davanti 2 volte mi sono fatta coraggio ed in men di un secondo l'ho messo in macchina.
Era intatto!
In giardino l'ho lavato con acqua, spazzola e sgrassatore al sapone di Marsiglia poi con la pompa ho risciacquato tutto.
Ho dipinto il carrello di bianco facendo qual e la qualche applicazione di roselline con la tecnica del decoupage e con una stoffa dello stesso colore ho realizzato le mie roselline, ricoperto il manico ed eccolo.
Sicuramente lo userò per i miei mercatini, oltre che per trasportare le cose mi sembra sia anche molto scenografico in qualcuno dei più vintage e romantici market che farò a cominciare da domenica 14 ottobre.
The cart I had taken in a junk shop planning to use it during the markets to carry the boxes and suitcases. The basket I found next to a dumpster ... I could not resist ... after I passed two times in less than a second I put it in the car.
It was intact!
In the garden I washed with water, and brush the degreaser soap and then with the pump I rinsed everything.
I painted the white truck doing what and some applications of roses with the decoupage technique and with a cloth of the same color I made my roses, covered the handle and here it is.
Surely I'll use it for my markets, as well as to carry things I think is also very scenic in some of the most romantic and vintage market that will I start from Sunday, October 14.
It was intact!
In the garden I washed with water, and brush the degreaser soap and then with the pump I rinsed everything.
I painted the white truck doing what and some applications of roses with the decoupage technique and with a cloth of the same color I made my roses, covered the handle and here it is.
Surely I'll use it for my markets, as well as to carry things I think is also very scenic in some of the most romantic and vintage market that will I start from Sunday, October 14.
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